File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
/home/laradmin/lar/sensors/imu/imu_network/src/accelerometer_network_calibration.cpp [code] | Gets the accelerometer's offset of each IMU presented on the network |
/home/laradmin/lar/sensors/imu/imu_network/src/complementary_filter.cpp [code] | Complementary filter - Roll & Pitch calculation |
/home/laradmin/lar/sensors/imu/imu_network/src/dcm_algorithm.cpp [code] | Dcm algorithm for Roll, Pitch and Yaw determination - INCOMPLETE |
/home/laradmin/lar/sensors/imu/imu_network/src/imu_rviz.cpp [code] | Toll for IMU's data visualization - only 8 IMU |
/home/laradmin/lar/sensors/imu/imu_network/src/kalman_imu_data.cpp [code] | Extended Kalman Filter algorithm implementation only with gyroscopes data |
/home/laradmin/lar/sensors/imu/imu_network/src/rs232_tcp.cpp [code] | Communication with 1 IMU and Fanuc for its data aquisition |
/home/laradmin/lar/sensors/imu/imu_network/src/sensors_receiver.cpp [code] | Reads the network IMU's data and publish |